My parents live in Pagosa Springs Colorado, where the snow can be deep, the weather can be cold, and the air can smell of rotten eggs, thanks to the the area being infested with hot sulpher springs.

It turns out that it takes a slightly bigger vehicle than our Race Car to tow a fifth-wheel camper.
Wednesday evening was spent admiring the amazing quilts and table cloths my mother made for us the past year.

This is Darci's quilt. (Note that the border is dark pink, not red.) Careful viewers will note that there are many hand-stitched images of a little girl doing a variety of things scattered throughout the quilt. Weirdly, none of them show her listening to an iPod.

This is Riley's quilt. As with Darci's, there are many stitched images of a boy doing a wide variety of things.

This is The Boy with his quilt. It has a variety of antique cars on it. (His Jeep wasn't one of them.)

Additionally, The Boy's quilt didn't come with instructions, and being the product of the California school system, well, let's let it go at that.

Weird Haired Mom and Needs Cool Name admired the embroidered table cloth they got. The only real glitch is that they currently don't have a table, but there is a good chance that will change sometime in the future. Probably before Darci heads to college.

This is the table cloth that Mrs Notthat and I got. Weirdly, we even used it the next night and risked getting it dirty. Theoretically it is tough and can be washed aggressively. Still, I was extra careful (and still got half a dozen spots on it).

Darci made this crown for her quilt-making Great Grandma.

The next day Riley was over and had a donut egg (what we call eggs in the shape of a donut, made in the microwave using a juicer - it's kind of complicated as Blogmaid can attest to). He actually ate it (with ketchup) while staring at the container filled with real donuts. Great Grandma and Grandpa tend to have food that is MUCH more to the liking of grandkids.

This is an odd picture of Riley getting his opera face on.

This is Darci helping to cook her mushrooms. She loves pasta with red sauce (what normal people call spaghetti), and REALLY loves mushrooms in it. She ate all of those by herself! Sadly, the container with the pasta with red sauce you see by the panhandle ended up on the floor - and then to Idiot Dog Teddy's bowl - a few seconds after this picture was taken.
And that's about it for now. Today will be filled with garage sales, estate sales, and any other kind of sales we come across.
That's it - move along...
Those quilts are beautiful all right. I hope one of them doesn't end up covered up with Darci's red sauce with mushrooms. Yankees everywhere you looked yesterday.
I'm so impressed with your mother's talent. Truly. Next Saturday the Amish quilt exhibit starts at the deYoung, but they won't be any more imaginative than the ones I see here.
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