Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bikes, tools, and getting a bit screwed up

My main goal Saturday was to try to empty the storage "shed" that holds the bicycles, sleds, and garden implements.

Here are the bicycles.

There are seven of them (not counting the two scooters). Some of these are pretty old, from when The Boy was a much littler boy. In any case, I was not able to work out a better place to put them (although I did find the garden implements a new, more accessible home). After talking it over with Mrs Notthat (between her Solvang shopping binges) we decided to look into making the shed thing a bit more weather-proof and just be happy with the garden as it is.


The Boy got his 204 piece toolkit sorted out.

The trick now is to mark them so that they can be identified in a class where half a dozen others might have the same set of tools.

So we came up with a rig to paint black stripes on them. Not elegant, but hopefully functional.

We took a few minutes to wash some of the winter gunk off the cars, making them nice and clean for today's rain. (It is raining now, but it's pretty light. More is promised for this week, but Governor Arnold has already declared the state to be in a drought disaster. Maybe a big garden was not a great idea.)

Then The Boy noticed this in his rear tire.

Who knows how long it's been there, and the tire isn't losing air, but the car now sits until Monday when it can be taken in and repaired.

Mrs Notthat comes home today, so I'm busy doing some cleanup stuff (well, and watching the Jayhawks - it's not like they are on every day you know). It will be great to have her back. One can only eat so many pizzas and Pringles.

That's it - move along...

1 comment:

mary ann said...

Did Mrs. Notthat find all those dead Pringle® cans?