When a guy shows up at home with a dozen roses for no apparent reason, it's hard not to be suspicious. Mrs Notthat would not necessarily be suspicious - her first question would probably be "So who's giving away free flowers?" Or maybe, "Been drinking?"
Which got me to thinking about what she could get me that would make me suspicious.
And then it happened - I opened the fridge door and there was a package of bacon. Good bacon. Center cut designer bacon made with actual pork. My first thought was "So who's giving away free bacon?" Then "Have she been drinking?"
This is a monumentally great moment. In fact I have refused to believe it. You know how a person can look right at something but fail to have it register in their brain since they are pretty much convinced it can't be there? That was me for about a week with this bacon.
Tonight I took it out and looked at it. It seems real. Two strips are only 75 calories (although a lot of those calories are somewhat saturated in fat). And I cooked half the package.
It was real bacon (which made a real bacon mess while cooking - I had forgotten all about that issue). I ate 75 calories worth and put the rest away for breakfast. We have some zucchini patties that taste a lot like flat mini quiches - these are excellent when wrapped around a piece of bacon (I tried one with my 75 calories worth of bacon).
I may not be able to sleep tonight.
That's it - move along...
We have that forbidden food every once in a great while. Oh, the smell...
Nothing like wakin' to bacon. Could Mrs. NotThat be softening you up for the Gift to Be Named Later? Or could it be the goodness of her heart? You'll know for sure if you walk into the kitchen tonight and she's baking blueberry muffins.
I watched an episode of "How's that made" recently that showed how bacon is made. Did you know it was pork bellies? And those disgusting rinds that beer guzzling, footbal watching sterotypes eat is actually pork belly SKIN!?!
daaaaaauuunnnnn - I knew that bacon was a clever (and tasty!) way to get people to pay a lot for a pretty bad cut of meat.
I've never liked pork rinds, but your sister (Mrs Notthat) loved them when we first got together.
Now if you want to get into what something is made of, lets talk hot dogs...
dak - no blueberry muffins last night. Heavy sigh...
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