Darci has been in the ER several times for a variety of injuries, but this was Riley's first trip involving something bleeding.
So naturally Friday he had to go back to his old ways - he started having breathing issues again. Both him and his dad had a bad cold and as usual, it resulted in a trip to the hospital. For those of you keeping count, this was his 11th trip (and he's not quite three yet!).

We brought him one of those 3D cartoons on a DVD and it came with stylish glasses. he thought they were fun but I'll bet there was no way he'd leave them on for the whole movie.

On Sunday Riley was released, only to be replaced by Darci, who in the mean time had also developed breathing issues from the cold. (She had been staying at Grandma Betty's for the weekend.) Darci did not end up staying in the hospital though - they let her go after observing her and taking an x-ray (she had some minor pneumonia). They both have masks on in this picture because both were coughing and had viruses - it was to protect others from them and not them from others.

Once we got Riley home, it was obvious he was feeling better.

I stayed home from work on Monday since I had not been able to do what I had intended to do over the weekend, such as give Idiot Dog Teddy a bath. Riley thought this was a fun process. IDT (and I) would argue otherwise.

There was a lot of time spent playing in the sandbox. It amazes me how much time they will spend in this thing not really doing anything, just moving sand around. I threw in a few pennies as "buried treasure" to make it more fun, but I think I'm the only one that gets a thrill when one is found.

Darci planted a shovel. And her legs (you can just barely see her toes peeking out).

Riley had finished with the sand box and was just hanging out. About that hair thing, apparently whatever Weird Haired Mom used to get it to stay that way would make an excellent car bumper - that hair has not been touched since Friday and still looks razor sharp.

OK, one last picture from today. I love how the two of them and Idiot Dog Teddy are in a standoff.

This picture is from several days ago. It makes my back hurt just to see it. I have no idea what Mrs Notthat was thinking. The grandkids better never expect that from me.

And finally, a picture of The Boy busy tinkering with his Jeep. He's been trying to work out where the engine is. (Kidding! He's actually trying to figure out how to wind it up to make it go.)
That's it - move along...